




A new collaboration between The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center and 莱斯大学 promises to drive industry growth and advance life-saving technologies through the newly established Cancer Bioengineering Collaborative.

The initiative will help foster collaboration between the two institutions on fundamental and translational cancer research, 开发癌症检测和治疗的新技术, 确保外部资金支持进一步的研究和培训. Rice researcher and Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas (CPRIT) scholar Gang Bao and MD Anderson’s Dr. Jeffrey Molldrem将领导该中心. 

“从癌症科学的基本发现, tumor immunology and patient care to innovative engineering advances in drug delivery systems, 纳米结构与合成生物学, there is great potential for enabling cross-disciplinary collaboration to develop new technologies and approaches for detecting, 监测和治疗癌症,“Molldrem, 造血生物学主席 & MD安德森的恶性肿瘤,在一份 释放. “Our goal is to bridge the gap between bioengineering and cancer research to create transformative solutions that significantly improve patient outcomes.”

该合作组织还将每月举办以癌症生物工程为重点的研讨会, annual retreats to highlight research and international leaders in cancer and bioengineering. 五个研究领域将成为该中心工作的核心:

  • 细胞疗法:开发更有效的基于细胞的免疫疗法, 包括基于嵌合抗原受体和T细胞受体的方法.
  • 纳米技术:利用纳米颗粒进行靶向癌症检测和治疗.
  • 癌症疫苗:采用先进的生物材料, synthetic biology and nanoparticle delivery systems to develop therapeutic cancer vaccines.
  • Artificial intelligence: Leveraging advanced computing tools for high-precision analysis of samples to identify new targets and inform therapeutic design.
  • Molecular imaging: Deploying advanced molecular imaging techniques to enhance diagnostic and therapeutic tools.

A seed grant program will also be established to fund research projects in the early stages of development.

The partnership between Rice and MD Anderson is a testament to how the greater Houston region is committed to 推进生命科学和生物技术产业. 该地区最近出现了新的重大生命科学发展, 包括Levit Green, TMC螺旋公园和 位于伍德兰的亚历山大先进技术中心




A new district in The Woodlands hopes to expand on the area’s resurgence in life sciences developments.    大流行后的, 生命科学公司一直在Woodlands建立设施, 特别是沿着研究森林大道. 现在, Developers Howard Hughes and Vitrian are building upon that growth by adding an additional 86.3 acres for future development, aiming to attract more biomanufacturing companies to the area. 两人将该地区命名为伍德兰创新区.  “This joint venture further diversifies the innovative industries that are represented in The Woodlands with the advancement of life science,吉姆·卡门说, 霍华德休斯公司休斯顿地区总裁在一份声明中说. “The Woodlands continues to attract companies from a variety of industries seeking a highly-skilled talent pool, 友善的商业环境, 为员工提供高质量的生活.”  该地区加入了该地区现有的生命科学公司集群, 如Millipore Sigma和VGXI. Cellipont Bioservices, 这是一家位于圣地亚哥的细胞治疗合同开发和制造组织, 最近开了一家76,在这个地区有1000平方英尺的设施. 该设施致力于细胞治疗,并作为该公司的新总部.  塞利庞特搬到大休斯顿地区, 2022年宣布, 在伍德兰郡掀起了生命科学活动的热潮. Bionova科学, 另一家总部位于加州的生物技术公司, 最近宣布了在该地区扩张的计划, 100分,000平方英尺的生产和研究设施. 该公司, 哪家公司生产抗癌细胞治疗公司使用的材料, 预计将于2025年在新址开始运营.  附近的, Nurix疗法, 这是一家位于旧金山的临床阶段生物制药公司, 搬到了亚历山大先进技术中心. 这个12英亩的生命科学校园, 前身是Lexicon制药网站, was inaugurated last year with support from Lexicon’s Founder and CEO and now Nurix's Chief Executive Officer, 亚瑟金沙. 由总部位于加州的房地产公司亚历山大房地产股票的支持, 校园仍在扩建中, 目标是成为缩小版的德克萨斯医疗中心.   These recent developments have established The Woodlands as a leader in life sciences in the region. 根据世邦魏理仕(CBRE)的《Hga010皇冠软件下载》.S. 生命科学展望, The Woodlands accounted for 60% of the Houston region’s life sciences lease transactions in 2022.  伍德兰创新区将包括五个地点, 每间提供40间不等的租客设施,000至200多人,000平方英尺. These sites will offer build-to-suit shell spaces, anticipated to be move-in ready by Spring 2025.  了解更多关于休斯顿的生命科学和生物技术产业. 


Houston continues to evolve as a premier destination for life sciences and biomanufacturing through a multifaceted strategy that capitalizes on its existing strengths and fosters innovation and growth.   自1945年成立以来, the Texas Medical Center has evolved into a vast medical district spanning 5 square miles  and serving over ten million patients annually.  德克萨斯医疗中心内有60多家机构, 作为休斯顿协作生态系统的催化剂, 比如细胞治疗制造中心, JLABS@TMC和CUBIO. This helps set the stage for groundbreaking research and provides direct access to nearly 5,000个正在进行的临床试验, 这是创新的一大福音.   Recent years have witnessed significant strides in laying a robust foundation for Houston's position as a leader in innovative life sciences and biotechnology. 这些努力在上个月Bisnow的生命科学进化活动上成为焦点, 与生命科学行业的领导者一起, real estate and innovation envisioning the future growth of the Houston life sciences market. 作为优势共享的资产包括获得临床试验的机会, 商业环境, 劳动力努力和生活质量.   “能够接触到患者群体对成功至关重要, 尤其是多元化的人口,莫尼克·奈特, Portal 创新s的博士说. “获得这些临床试验和相关专业知识是一个关键的好处, 而且住得离科学发展的地方很近.”   立法行为, such as the passage of Proposition 10 in November which provides new incentives for medical device and pharmaceutical manufacturing companies, 提高区域竞争力和经济前景. 另外, 对劳动力发展的投资, exemplified by collaborations between educational institutions and industry partners like San Jacinto College and the National Institute for Bioprocessing Research and Training (NIBRT), 确保未来有一个熟练的人才库.  “与公司的关系, 大学和高中是一体的,” Pearland EDC Vice President Brian Malone said on the panel at Bisnow discussing suburban life sciences growth. “We’ve really worked hard on that with a business retention plan to find out what type of training and what type of workers these companies need.”   此外, 大量的房地产投资进一步支持了生命科学的研究和发展. TMC’s Helix Park opened in 2023 with the TMC Collaborative Building and industry research hub Dynamic One, 新租户休斯顿卫理公会租了75号,800平方英尺. 就在医疗区北边, 海恩斯的Levit Green目前租赁了近300辆,000平方英尺的实验室和办公空间,作为未来53英亩地区的一部分. 在地铁的东北侧, McCord’s master-planned Generation Park recently broke ground on a new Center for 生物技术 in partnership with San Jacinto College. 在森林里, 亚历山大正在把科技森林广场8800号开发成325号,000平方英尺的A级空间.   Initiatives such as the Cancer Prevention Research Institute of Texas (CPRIT) and a thriving innovation ecosystem further reinforce the city's position at the forefront of bioscience breakthroughs and economic impact.  拥有战略优势,比如一流的港口, 多样化的人口, 以及进入全球市场的可能性, 休斯顿准备进一步提升其作为生命科学创新中心的地位. 随着休斯顿继续推进其生命科学和生物技术领域, 合作和增长的机会比比皆是, 推动公共卫生进步,推动下一波生物科学创新.   探索休斯顿充满活力的生命科学生态系统.  




Join us on August 28 in Pearland’s Lower Kirby District to hear from some of the region’s largest commercial life science manufacturers. Hga010皇冠软件下载的小组讨论将探讨……的障碍和潜在途径。
