



Houston experienced significant economic resilience and growth amidst looming concerns of a recession. 尽管各行业都在放缓, 河口城继续创造就业机会, 添加53,23年前10个月就有700人, 根据合伙公司的 休斯顿地区经济展望 报告. 而房地产市场面临挑战, 大休斯顿地区见证了许多充满活力的项目的诞生, 包括开办 螺旋公园这是德克萨斯医疗中心37英亩新校区的第一阶段. 


Arco Del Tiempo
作为休斯顿东区瓜达卢佩广场公园的中心, Arco Del Tiempo is a new environmentally sustainable art installation aiming to advance the region’s transition to an energy abundant future. 站在100英尺高的地方, Arco Del Tiempo will not only generate power for the nearby City-owned 拉丁o multicultural performing arts theater, 塔伦托·比林格·德·休斯顿, 但它也将为社区提供一个聚会空间. Arco Del Tiempo将于2024年安装. 

奥斯汀角是第一个这样的地方,700英亩的总体规划城镇,将有1,600 acres of mixed-use commercial development space and a walkable downtown area with hospitals, 生命科学实验室和公司总部. 第一阶段的发展将包括1824年, 一个中央公园和社区中心,还有咖啡厅, 酒吧, 大前廊, 活动草坪, 儿童游乐区, 啤酒花园, 美食车广场, 步行道和户外健身活动和游戏的专用空间.  

在蒙特罗斯占地14英亩, Autry公园 is an urban village designed to increase connectivity and walkability to food, 娱乐, 零售和生活在该地区. 项目一期包括两栋公寓楼, 汉诺威奥特里公园, 一栋24层的公寓楼,有324个单元, 和汉诺威Parkview, 一栋八层的中层建筑,有421个单位, 两家都已经开张了. Phase two is projected to open at the end of 2024 with additional commercial tenants and retail space.

一代公园, 休斯顿东北部大规模的商业发展, 即将开放其最先进的新馆, 占地45英亩的生物制造中心——今年的生物中心II. 新的总体规划校园将包括500人,000平方英尺用于cGMP生产, lab and office space and house the biomanufacturing workforce institute that will offer certificate coursework in bioprocessing to students, 进一步扩大该地区的生命科学生态系统和劳动力. 

A redevelopment project led by Houston-based Pagewood and Wile Interests aims to transform former warehouses in EaDo into a walkable 10-block mixed-use district. 东块 is expected to break ground in the second quarter of 2024 and will encompass 513,位于壳牌皇冠HGA010官方下载体育场西南方,面积约1000平方英尺. 第一阶段将包括一个独特的混合餐厅, 商店, office and green space and will include existing tenants 8th Wonder Brewery and Pitch 25, 而第二阶段将专注于额外的零售和餐厅空间.

艾伦, a sophisticated new mixed-use development is currently underway in Houston’s Allen Parkway corridor. 第一阶段, 艾伦公寓, 包括开发一个2.9亿美元的, 耸立在布法罗河公园上方的35层摩天大楼. 这座时髦的新大楼提供豪华公寓, 高层顶层公寓和拥有170间客房的豪华酒店——汤普森酒店, 今年早些时候开业的. Phase II of 艾伦 is anticipated to break ground in early 2024 and will include more retail and restaurant space and luxury multi-family living. 

Hermann Park is changing the game for green spaces in the Houston area with its new groundbreaking 26-acre development – The Commons. 计划于本周向公众开放, The Commons aims to revolutionize the beloved park with a unique collection of play areas, 包括一个身临其境的太空主题区和一个真人大小的旋转木马. The commons also features many new gathering spaces including a Central Lawn and the Live Oak Terrace. 

The Houston Astros expect to break ground on a new 娱乐 district adjacent to Minute Maid Park in Nov. 2024年,该地区将建成一座17层的酒店, 60,000 square feet of retail space for restaurants and 商店 and a three-level gathering area for fans to watch Astros games and other major sporting events on a massive outdoor screen. 该场馆还将举办现场音乐表演.

位于Grand Parkway-Highway 249交叉口的拐角处, 占地65英亩的开创性零售中心名为the Grand,位于249,将横跨404,在Tomball有256平方英尺, 使其成为休斯顿西北子市场中最大的零售集中地. 预计将于2025年完工, 249号的Grand将拥有12个场地,包括at等租户&T, Boomer Jack's, Gringo's, Jersey Mike's, Milano Nails和Two Pho Nine Asian Fusion.  

了解更多关于 企业为什么选择休斯顿 以及这意味着什么 生活,工作和娱乐 在河口城. 




The Greater Houston Partnership received a 2024 Excellence in 经济发展 Bronze Award from the International 经济发展 Council (IEDC). The award was bestowed specifically for the Partnership’s work in the regional or cross-border partnership for regions with 500,000或以上居民.  该战略是与地区盟友合作制定的, 正如地区剧本所阐述的那样, aims to enhance regional economic development in greater Houston by fostering collaboration and coordination among stakeholders. This involved creating a framework for the Houston Regional 经济发展 Alliance (HREDA) to maximize engagement and support.  成立于2006年, HREDA is comprised of economic development organizations and municipalities interested in creating jobs and investment to maintain a positive business environment. HREDA meets monthly at Partnership Tower, and often at other locations around the region. 每月在伙伴大厦和其他区域网站举办, HREDA会议包括来自98个经济发展组织的成员, 代表160多名全职经济发展专业人士.  项目的独特性和创新性在于每个阶段的成员参与, 确保最终剧本的所有权. 它解决了先前研究中指出的合作缺陷, 旨在撬动区域资源促进经济增长. 该地区的营销规模不小. 覆盖8,838平方英里, 12个县的大休斯顿地区, 它的中心, 休斯顿-帕萨迪纳-伍德兰郡的MSA, 面积比新泽西州还大,  尽管幅员辽阔, 该地区的利益相关者团结起来,成为盟友, 简化流程以吸引潜在的公司. This collective effort reflects a shared commitment to securing victories for the region's economic growth. “我很自豪能成为一个组织的一员, 比如HREDA, that exemplifies how regionalism and collaboration can drive economic success and set high standards for regional development,” HREDA Chair and Chief 经济发展 Officer at Partnership Lake Houston Stephanie Wiggins said. “通过将不同的利益相关者团结在一个共同的目标下, HREDA leverages the strengths of the Houston region to create a prosperous and sustainable economic environment." 每年IEDC都专门寻找经济发展组织, 政府实体, 倡议, 还有一些项目已经证明是一致的, 在经济发展领域堪称典范, leading the execution of projects that have a significant impact on revitalizing communities, and playing a major role in shaping and improving the practice of economic development. “这个团队明白共同成功意味着什么,Greater Houston Partnership总裁兼首席执行官史蒂夫·基恩(Steve Kean)说. “当Hga010皇冠软件下载一起工作,结合专业知识, Hga010皇冠软件下载区域合作伙伴的资产和能力, 休斯顿地区的潜力无与伦比. 通过这种地域主义的心态, Hga010皇冠软件下载可以为所有公民创造一个更加繁荣和包容的未来.” 了解更多有关该伙伴关系所代表的12个县地区的信息.  


Chevron Corporation has announced plans to relocate its corporate headquarters to Houston from San Ramon, 加州.  The announcement follows the energy giant's recent efforts to consolidate its operations in Houston, 从2022年开始, 出售其位于圣拉蒙的92英亩总部.  这一战略举措旨在加强高层领导之间的合作, 管理人员和皇冠HGA010官方下载伙伴, 根据雪佛龙的Hga010皇冠软件下载. 雪佛龙目前在休斯顿地区有7000名员工,在圣拉蒙有2000名员工. 虽然搬迁最初对圣拉蒙员工的影响很小, 所有的公司职能预计将在未来五年内迁移到休斯顿. 支持雪佛龙在加州皇冠HGA010官方下载的岗位将留在圣拉蒙. 据公司介绍, this move aligns with its ongoing efforts to streamline its operations and improve performance. 通过巩固其在休斯顿的总部, Chevron can leverage the city's robust energy infrastructure and diverse talent pool to advance energy affordability, 全球可靠性和安全性. “这只是许多行业观察人士等待的最后一步,——肯·梅德洛克, 贝克研究所皇冠HGA010官方下载研究中心高级主任, 在最近的一次发布中解释. “开始, 休斯顿为国际皇冠HGA010官方下载公司提供了世界级的地理位置, 这就是为什么这里有这么多的国际存在. Texas is also the nation’s largest energy producer across multiple energy sources and is poised to lead in emerging opportunities such as hydrogen and carbon capture, 因此,休斯敦也是举办国内活动的好地方. 最重要的是,德州对商业的总体评价非常好.” Chevron will become the 24th Fortune 500 company to establish its headquarters in Houston, 加入这个城市不断发展的大公司中心. Among these is ExxonMobil, which announced its corporate headquarters relocation to Spring in 2022. “Chevron’s decision to relocate its headquarters underscores the compelling advantages that position Houston as the prime destination for leading energy companies today and for the future,Partnership总裁兼首席执行官史蒂夫·基恩(Steve Kean)表示. “深深扎根于Hga010皇冠软件下载的地区, 雪佛龙在将休斯顿打造为全球皇冠HGA010官方下载领导者的过程中发挥了关键作用. 此举将进一步加强这些努力." 了解更多关于休斯顿地区公司总部的信息.   




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